I am the necromancer who communes with those who no longer exist. I am Cassandra, the grackle, the ancient serpent, and above all, a sinner.
I am El Peuco 🖤
Soy el nigromante que habla con los que ya no existen. Soy Casandra, zanate, serpiente y, sobre todo, pecador.
Soy El Peuco 🖤
About Peuco.cl
The purpose of Peuco.cl is to turn the end of the world into the ultimate and most honest piece of art in the world.
As a Cassandra, I know what’s ahead, so I write about our inevitable demise, in the hope that one day, future generations will be able to understand what we did to the world, and to not follow our steps.
The content of this website is handwritten, some images are AI generated, but over time, this site will be mostly human generated.
Últimos artículos:
- Greed – Tropic ChristDon’t look too far, right where you are, that’s where I am. Aquí estoy, de vuelta… Read more: Greed – Tropic Christ
- Lust – Drugs & Bad GirlsThe best friends of a snake are all sinners: the fools, the outsiders, the underdogs, the… Read more: Lust – Drugs & Bad Girls
- Lust – Year of the SnakeLa Serpiente de Fuego en el Horóscopo Chino y su Año de la Serpiente de Madera… Read more: Lust – Year of the Snake
- Lust – CassandraEl futuro se convierte en arma cuando vas de Cassandra. Hoy mismo hizo un calor tan… Read more: Lust – Cassandra
- Lust – Analysishttps://dle.rae.es/lujuria Del lat. Luxuria. La lujuria (del latín luxuria «exceso, vida extravagante, profusión; exquisitez»,1 de luxus «abundancia», «exuberancia», «exceso, extravagancia; magnificencia», probablemente un uso… Read more: Lust – Analysis
- Wrath – BLAKSWANAn eye for an eye got the whole world blind The rain won’t stop and the sun won’t shine.